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Book Released Day: Touched by Light

The healing power of writing. My journey is a journey without end until I reach the end of my existence. I rarely reach the exact outcomes I set out to achieve and be able to say, "yep that's it, I have arrived." It's more likely I will be flowing from experience to experience, which after a period of reflection I can find from my new point, create, design, or envision the next step of my journey with new perspectives. My book then will be a part of my healing experience. It is a fantastic transformative process. I hope too that it allows me to accept the lessons that I have been given without judgment, shame, and guilt. When I write a healing book, I write it so that I can heal, grow, and changed -- period.

My book, Touched by Light, is released today! I am excited to share my story with everyone. Check out my author website at 

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