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Friday, March 11, 2016


Shout out for iHeartGlitz for amazing custom cell phone cases. One day my friend, Lynn, ordered stuff to make cell phone case for herself just for fun then the thought came in her mind, she should sell some of these things! With the excitement of sharing all thing kawaii to the world, she told her boyfriend about it and he thought it was a great idea! Soon she received an invitation to Kawaiiland in San Francisco which gave her a great opportunity to earn more money! That's basically how everything got started. I helped her designed and styled the phone cases display table. The event featured all things kawaii. Kawaii means cute. Everyone dressed up and had so much fun! 

1 comment

  1. Lena encouraged me to take on this artistic endeavor to expand my personal hobby into a small business. The invitation to Kawaiiland was unexpected and was on very short notice. I was in a dilemma: either design and make enough phone cases to put on display OR design and make a display to fit the Kawaii theme. I called Lena for advice but instead she told me to make the phone cases and she would take care of the display. All I can say about Lena is that she's a great friend bouncing with ideas, enthusiasm, and confidence. Lena designed an LED lit tutu table dress that matched my logo theme and a multi-level display for that extra visibility. Lena also built a PVC pipe based frame so that the display had a back splash and a place to string patio lights to give it a functional yet cozy feel. Needless to say my Kawaiiland booth stood out and received many compliments.

    Thank you Lena, you are the best!




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