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Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Evelyn Skye's 5th Birthday Princess Tea Party

My sweet little girl turned five. How is it even possible? My husband and I looked at old pictures shaking our heads at how time flies. I am so very proud of this sweet little girl of ours. On the day she was born she turned my world upside-down. She is a beautiful little soul. From her I've learned patience, I have experienced what it meant to be family, and I have evolved. I am a better person for having her in my life. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby Girl...wishing you a million days that reflect all your hopes and dreams. I love you with all my heart. 

Love, Mommy. 

1 comment

  1. Mind-blowing decoration! She absolutely looks like a princess. The party venue has been decorated beautifully and I am surprised to see the food items, they look delicious and this is definitely a delightful post. Happy birthday to her and God bless her.


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