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Monday, March 14, 2016

Baby Shower Honoring Kim and Victor

There's nothing more exciting than planning a baby shower for a friend, especially when it's for your own BFF! My first long distance planning -- she lives in Southern Cali and I'm up North. Kim and I met in middle school in 6th grade. What can I say about Kim....I am kind of limited due to that pinky swearing incident! But this one time at band camp...she was the wild one. A best friend is like a four-leaf clover...hard to find but lucky to have. To know Kim is to love Kim. Kim has been with me through good times and bad...when I say bad meaning times when we got drunk, danced on tables, and other stuff I can't disclosed because I'm putting this on social media, lol. Kim gives true meaning to the word friendship. The most beautiful discovery true make is that we can move away, be miles apart, and grow up separately without growing apart. Victor is an amazing person. There really isn't anything sweeter than them bringing a little bundle of joy onto this world. I had the honor of designing and planning this baby shower with Kim's three close friends; Jennifer, Susan, and Thu. Unfortunately, I was unable to travel down to the party. The dessert table and decorations were beautifully set up by the three ladies. 

Welcome Baby Aubrey Kim Bui!

1 comment

  1. aww thank you Lena for putting this together, and to dedicate your time to help organize and decorate our baby shower even though you were miles away. If it wasn't for all you ladies, baby Aubrey would never have a sweet and elegant baby shower. You all know me, I cannot decorate for the life of me. Baby girl will be deprived from nicely decorated parties from here on out, but she will always have this one to remember. thanks again for all the time, sweat, and hard work to put together one successful event. I love you gals


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