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Baby Shower Honoring Kim and Victor

There's nothing more exciting than planning a baby shower for a friend, especially when it's for your own BFF! My first long distance planning -- she lives in Southern Cali and I'm up North. Kim and I met in middle school in 6th grade. What can I say about Kim....I am kind of limited due to that pinky swearing incident! But this one time at band camp...she was the wild one. A best friend is like a four-leaf clover...hard to find but lucky to have. To know Kim is to love Kim. Kim has been with me through good times and bad...when I say bad meaning times when we got drunk, danced on tables, and other stuff I can't disclosed because I'm putting this on social media, lol. Kim gives true meaning to the word friendship. The most beautiful discovery true make is that we can move away, be miles apart, and grow up separately without growing apart. Victor is an amazing person. There really isn't anything sweeter than them bringing a little bundle of joy onto this world. I had the honor of designing and planning this baby shower with Kim's three close friends; Jennifer, Susan, and Thu. Unfortunately, I was unable to travel down to the party. The dessert table and decorations were beautifully set up by the three ladies. 

Welcome Baby Aubrey Kim Bui!


Shout out for iHeartGlitz for amazing custom cell phone cases. One day my friend, Lynn, ordered stuff to make cell phone case for herself just for fun then the thought came in her mind, she should sell some of these things! With the excitement of sharing all thing kawaii to the world, she told her boyfriend about it and he thought it was a great idea! Soon she received an invitation to Kawaiiland in San Francisco which gave her a great opportunity to earn more money! That's basically how everything got started. I helped her designed and styled the phone cases display table. The event featured all things kawaii. Kawaii means cute. Everyone dressed up and had so much fun! 

Hannah's 1st Birthday Party

Hannah is such a happy girl and has a smile that lights up the room. She makes the cutest noises when we laugh together. She loves attention, once she has, she knows how to hang on it and she laughs right along with us. I just adore Hannah and enjoyed helping her mother plan her first birthday party. It was so much fun!

Evelyn Skye's 5th Birthday Princess Tea Party

My sweet little girl turned five. How is it even possible? My husband and I looked at old pictures shaking our heads at how time flies. I am so very proud of this sweet little girl of ours. On the day she was born she turned my world upside-down. She is a beautiful little soul. From her I've learned patience, I have experienced what it meant to be family, and I have evolved. I am a better person for having her in my life. Happy, Happy Birthday Baby Girl...wishing you a million days that reflect all your hopes and dreams. I love you with all my heart. 

Love, Mommy. 

Chinese Lunar New Year Party

Chinese New Year is a time for families and friends to be together. Wherever they are, people come home to celebrate the festival. It's an opportunity to honor family and friends, and to enjoy some traditions and there is a lot of eating involved! I cooked and served deep fried quails and Thịt Giò Bó (Red Pork Rolls) which are favorites in our house.Tangerines are passed out freely during Chinese New Year as the words for tangerine sound like luck and wealth. I also used tangerines to decorate the dessert table and also as part of the table centerpieces. It was a beautiful party. 

New Year's Dinner

As I end the year and move on to the next, I take a bit of time to review, to contemplate. Post party bash, it's easy to want to speed forward with gusto, and pack up the ornaments until next season. I'm all about starting the new year fresh and making a few new goals. I cooked this special dinner for just my husband and children. I wanted to keep it simple and just us. Happy New Year! 

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